white blue off white Keita is an ordinary Japanese student who sacrificed his fun school years, friendship and love to pass the exam and go to University. Having arrived at the first attempt, the guy did not feel any satisfaction and began to wonder whether it was worth making such sacrifices for this. Years passed and in his fourth year, Kiota-kun was seriously injured in a car accident and was taken to a local
walter white Walter White was a chemist, teacher and meth kingpin who became known as Heisenberg. He was the main protagonist of the TV series Breaking Bad and its spin-offs Better Call Saul and El Camino
the white lotus The White Lotus ou Le Lotus blanc au Canada, est une série télévisée d'anthologie américaine de comédie dramatique satirique créée, écrite et réalisée par Mike White 1 et diffusée depuis le 11 juillet 2021 2 sur HBO et HBO Canada