spy family xspy 30 ngày The story follows Loid Forger, a enigmatic spy who has to "build a family" to execute a mission, not realizing that his adopted daughter is a telepath, and the woman he agrees to marry is a skilled assassin
hentai spy x family SPY x FAMILY スパイファミリー, Supai Famirī? is an anime adaptation of Tatsuya Endo's SPY x FAMILY manga series. It was announced on November 1, 2021, set to run for two separate cours and animated by WIT STUDIO and CloverWorks. Season 1's first cour premiered on April 9, 2022, with a special advanced
spy x family season 3 Fans' concerns were finally allayed with the early June 2024 announcement confirming that Spy x Family season 3 was indeed in the works. The first two seasons of the Wit Studio and CloverWorks productions have loosely covered about half of the story told in the Spy x Family manga so far