mission yozakura family permission Every generation produces one ordinary human who becomes the family head. Mutsumi is one of these, and the family's mission is to protect her with their lives. The vice principal's real name is Kyoichiro Yozakura, and he is the eldest son of the family
emission Emission là gì: / i'mi∫n /, Danh từ: sự phát ra ánh sáng, nhiệt..., sự bốc ra, sự toả ra mùi vị, hơi..., vật phát ra, vật bốc ra, vật toả ra, y học sự xuất tinh, sự phát hành giấy
dart mission DART is a spacecraft that intentionally collided with a small asteroid moonlet named Dimorphos to test a planetary defense technique. The mission demonstrated a viable way to deflect an asteroid that could threaten Earth, and collected data to measure the impact effects