issue unit 9 social issues bond issue cost phí tổn phát hành trái phiếu bonus issue phát hành biếu không capital issue phát hành cổ phiếu capital issue phát hành cổ phiếu để huy động vốn capital issue phát hành vốn Capital issue Committee ủy ban Phát hành Chứng khoán capitalization issue phát hành vốn hóa conversion issue
crime is a prevalent issue Crime, on the increase throughout the world, includes both personal attacks assaults, theft, muggings and transnational offenses diplomat kidnappings, airplane hijackings, drug trafficking, leading to a pervasive uneasiness amongst ordinary citizens who are increasingly resorting to active as well as passive self-protection measures
deep tissue massage Deep tissue massage is a massage technique that’s mainly used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries. It involves applying sustained pressure using