high school return of a gangster 2024 uudai highland Now inhabited by a tough-as-nails gangster, the teen starts to fight back against the power structure at his school and change his miserable existence. Genre: fantasy, human, slice-of-life, youth. A gangster finds himself in the body of a teenaged boy, but this body-swap drama isn’t actually about a trade
australian place a high value Australians place a high value on independence and personal choice. This means that a teacher or course tutor will not tell students what to do, but will give them a number of options and suggest they work out which one is the best in their circumstances
australians place a high value Australians place a high value on independence and personal choice. This means that a teacher or course tutor will not tell students what to do, but will give them a number of options and suggest they work out which one is the best in their circumstances