feet to m 5'11 feet to cm 2.06 m: 6 feet 10 inches: 6.83 feet: 2.08 m: 6 feet 11 inches: 6.92 feet: 2.11 m: Note: conversions are rounded to max 2 decimals places: How to convert feet to meters
5'9 feet to cm Learn how to convert 5 feet 9 inches 5'9" to centimeters cm and discover some facts and statistics about this height. Find out how tall you are in cm and compare with celebrities and averages
5'4 feet to cm Learn how to convert 5 feet and 4 inches to centimeters and meters using a simple formula. Find out how tall is 5'4" in decimal feet and inches, and compare it with the average height of men and women in the US