death note anime death parade In Tokyo, a disaffected high school student named Light Yagami finds the "Death Note", a mysterious black notebook with rules that can end anyone's life in seconds as long as the writer knows both the target's true name and face
gojo death As of the time of writing, Satoru Gojo is presumably dead. After being released from the Prison Realm, Gojo commenced his epic clash against Sukuna in Megumi’s body, and after more than a dozen chapters, Gojo seemingly won
dàn diễn viên trong death's game Death's game sở hữu dàn diễn viên quá đỉnh: Lee Jae Wook, Go Yoon Jung, Seo In Guk, Park So Dam, Choi Si Won, Jang Seung Jo, Sung Hoon, Kim Jae Wook, Kim Ji Hôn