amu hinamori the elusive samurai Amu Hinamori, the series protagonist, is a student of Seiyo Elementary. Amu's classmates see her as a "Cool and Spicy" girl, but Amu is actually extremely shy and timid. Part of the reason for this misunderstanding is the trendy punk clothing her mother buys for her as well as the way in which she expresses her shyness and avoids doing new things
the last samurai A former U.S. Army captain is hired by the Japanese emperor to train his army in modern warfare, but becomes fascinated by the samurai culture and their code of honor. He faces a dilemma when he is captured by the samurai leader Katsumoto and must choose between two eras and two worlds
kim samuel HHT - Mới đây, truyền thông Hàn Quốc đưa tin Kim Samuel đã ký hợp đồng độc quyền với Big Planet Made BPM. Đây cũng là ngôi nhà mới của nhiều idol thời gian gần đây như Soyou, ba cựu thành viên của GFRIEND - SinB, Eunha và Umji