adam sweet agony adam khoo Set in a world where all of humanity has become impotent due to the aftereffects of a pandemic, it depicts male high school student Kazuki, the only human with a healthy lower half, living a throbbing harem life surrounded by kind, friendly upperclassmen, unsatisfied female teachers, the academy’s prince, an affluent family’s young lady, and oth
rachel mcadams Rachel Anne McAdams born November 17, 1978 is a Canadian actress. After graduating from a theatre degree program at York University in 2001, she worked in Canadian television and film productions, such as the drama film Perfect Pie 2002, for which she received a Genie Award nomination, the comedy film My Name Is Tanino 2002, and the
adam smith Adam Smith 1723 – 1790 là nhà lý luận kinh tế chính trị cổ điển nổi tiếng ở Anh và trên thế giới. Ông là con của một quan chức trong ngành thuế. Adam Smith đã học ở trường đại học Glasgow và Oxford