yume nikaido yume to hazakura One day, Mio Yume Nikaido learns that her older sister, Tetsuko Moe Tenshi, has been using the "Hadaka-ken" technique to protect the family home all by herself. After witnessing Tetsuko's failure to use the "Hadaka-ken" against a powerful opponent, Mio decides to learn the "Hadaka-ken" herself and fight
yume kana Yume Kana 由愛可奈 is an AV actress, singer, and a former founding member of Ebisu Muscats. She joined as a founding member, and stayed until their disbandment on August 13, 2022. Facebook Instagram
yumemiru danshi wa genjitsushugisha Wataru Sajou , who is deeply in love with his beautiful classmate Aika Natsukawa, is continuing to approach her without getting discouraged while having dreams about their mutual love. However one day he woke up thinking, “I am not really fit to be together with someone as good as her, huh…”