track là gì tracking They followed the lion’s tracks. a mountain track. also adjective the 100 metres sprint and other track events. A train was coming down the track. They tracked the wolf to its lair. This cage can then be tracked or manipulated further downstream in the analysis using an electric field
vtracking Vtracking của Viettel Telecom giúp doanh nghiệp tối ưu hóa hoạt động vận tải, quản lý lộ trình, chăm sóc khách hàng...truy cập ngay bài viết để tìm hiểu chi tiết
track seed the battle cats Boom, that's your seed! From there as you pull new cats, go back to the site and update your seed by clicking the cat you drew from the chart. For example if I were to draw again on the event I chose, I'd get gold cat. Then I'd go to my seed tracker and click on gold cat to update my seed and tell the site that I've gotten that cat. note: