prince of persia princess Originally released in 2003, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time left its mark with players thanks to innovative gameplay, a compelling story and charismatic characters! Sign up for updates. Experience the classic tale that redefined action adventure gaming in this full-scale remake for a new generation.
the dog princess Save the princess from the hands of a demon, as in fairy tales! You will fight for your soul, competing with a demon who accidentally woke up by mistake! As a hero, you risk your life for no one else, but for the princess of this kingdom!
the little prince The little prince realizes that his rose has tamed him, making her unique in the universe, even if she's outwardly identical to all the other roses on Earth. The little prince goes on to meet a railway switchman and a merchant before returning to the Sahara where he meets the pilot. By the end of his story, the little prince and the pilot are